HOA / Apartments


At Trip Stop Sidewalk Repair, we understand your needs as a property manager.  Our goal is to make your job as easy as possible.  In fact, the only thing that we need to get started is a site map or property address; we will take care of the rest.

Our professionally trained sidewalk inspectors will independently inspect the entire property and furnish a detailed survey of every trip hazard found during their site visit.  We will produce a detailed and easy-to-read report which will identify the location of each trip hazard, the size of each trip hazard and how much it costs to repair each one.  For example, we’ll identify a trip hazard at the front door of unit 100, which is lifted 1/2” in height, 4 feet in length and costs $10 to repair.  We will do this for each trip hazard we find on the property.

In addition, we understand that some board members respond better to visual examples.  We will plot the trip hazards onto your site map, to show where each trip hazard is physically located.  Our offer includes guided walk-throughs with yourself and the board to review the suggested repair locations.  Our mission is to provide you and your board with all of the necessary information needed to make a decision at the first meeting.

If granted the opportunity to work with you, we will facilitate and manage the entire project and provide you with a follow-up summary upon completion of work.  We welcome the opportunity to work with you and we will do our very best to provide you with a seamless experience.